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BOS board

BOS has been developed and tested with a custom board.
All images and movies provided to show BOS working are referred to this board.

Anyway BOS will work on every hardware with a MSP430 microcontroller.

Here is presented an image with board features:

BOS Board
  • MSP430F1612 microcontroller
  • 16x2 dot matrix LCD display
  • RS-232 Serial port
  • 24 buttons matrix keyboard
  • 16 user leds driven with a SIPO chip + 2 debug leds
  • External I2C temperature sensor

In Download Area high definition full size image can be downloaded (an image with board description is also provided).

BOS related schematic description is provided in documentation available from Download Area.

Display section

Dot matrix display is connected to MSP430 with two voltage level translators to adjust microcontroller 3.3V with display 5V. Direction pins are attached to MSP430 in order to set with software correct direction to read and write display.

Serial Port section

PC RS-232 serial interface is attached to MSP430 with an interface circuit to translate RS-232 levels to MSP430 3.3V. Note DB9 connector is female.

Keyboard section

24 buttons keyboard is realized connecting in matrix configuration 24 standard push buttons with rows in weak pull up.

SIPO Leds section

Two SIPO chips are used to expand MSP430 outputs. From just three MSP430 output pins are realized 16 outputs connected to leds.

Temperature sensor section

I2C temperature sensor is used to monitor temperature. There is also an alarm line used to advice MSP430 when temperature goes outside user defined range.

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