B.lu BOS Operating System |
This project is discontinued
Versions History
April 2007 - B.lu BOS 1.1 released.
Changes from previous version :
- makefiles updated to be compatible with mspgcc up to version 20070216
- Windows batch helpers names changed
- Updated display driver - DSL_Clear() function now clears display immediately
- Updated display driver – Added DSL_ClearLine() function to clear single display line
- New example – RotaryEncoder : routine to drive a digital rotary encoder
- New example – Menu : dot matrix LCD display menu example.
- New example – Console : a complete RS232, VT100 compatible console
- Corrected documentation on page 44 about stack usage
November 2006 - First release - B.lu BOS 1.0
BOS - B.lu operating system - Luca Bertossi
hosts B.lu BOS operating system